by Thomas R. Skidmore

Space is a very cold entity.
It knows nothing of love, or resolve, or even ambition.
Especially in the minds of those who continually traverse the domains of that very frozen being called Space, for their drives are no one else’s concern.
This was definitely true for one lone space vessel, on a seemingly casual and leisurely voyage. Outside observers would take no notice as it’s just one of endless vehicles roaming the eternal voids of the Cosmos.
However, this one had other plans.
Somewhere within the hull of the sleek saucer-like starcraft, whimsically dubbed the Pirate Space Cruiser Farnaby Sludge, a young woman stared out at that very coldness, smiling enigmatically and already thinking about the scheme housed in her agile mind. Her glittering blue eyes twinkled with malevolent delight as a soft laugh escaped from the mouth accented by darkened lips, now forming a menacing grin.
Raising her silver-toned cybernetic right arm, she clenched the fist attached, symbolizing the goal she’d long harbored since before the last days of the Myriad War. It was that very conflict that resulted in the loss of that natural arm, as well as craving the combined burning tastes of vengeance and power buried inside her scarred psyche.
The woman’s numb, calloused mind slowly formed the seeds of her hidden desires and simmering schemes, a grim smile gradually forming on her face.
Her ample-breasted yet muscular body adorned in an ebon-colored, open-neck bodysuit befitting her dark beauty and powerful physical strength, she whirled around and felt her neck-length black hair sway ever so slightly as she raced toward the main control hub of the Farnaby Sludge. Entering the hub, the young woman strode to the ship’s computer unit and activated the communications console.
“All right, mates,” she said in an Australian accent to no one in particular, “time for the Polaris Queen to begin her quest. And let’s try and ‘ave some fun doin’ it!” Sounds of muffled confirmation were the only response the dark woman received.
Soon another mirthless chuckle escaped her mouth, with her steely intellect ready at her every command . . .
New Pittsburgh
The Burroughsian Crater, in the Northern Polar Region
Planet Mars
Startime 13:46 Greater Martian Time
Doctor Pitt sat in the hangar housing the spherical star cruiser (given the nomenclature of Chrona) that presently served as both his laboratory and arsenal, lost in contemplation over the events that shaped both his life and that of the cosmic civilization he called home. His cold grey-blue eyes took in everything, yet his stoic face displayed little to no emotion. For him, feelings meant no real significance in spite of his various experiences.
Remaining seated on the plush bench, Doctor Pitt, née Richard Thomas Rogan, ran his hand through his dark-brown hair as if to tame his racing thoughts. Clothed in his chosen garb of red tunic, blue trousers, black flat-soled boots, fingerless crimson gloves, and silver headpiece with chin-strap that lined his gaunt yet still-youthful, clean-shaven face, his thin mouth formed the traces of a grim smile showing no mirth or amusement.
Breathing quite heavily for a second, the young Doctor stood up and began to casually stride toward his beloved star cruiser. No sooner had he started than a soft, feminine yet metallic voice called out.
“Hey handsome, you weren't thinking about going without me, were you?” The Doctor turned and beheld his companion, a golden-hued gynoid with ample breasts and warm curves. Her jade eyes also took in everything in view, yet unlike her friend had nary any negative emotional attachment. With great exuberance, her lips smiled warmly. “No Meka, I’d never even dream of it,” replied Doctor Pitt mildly, still lost in some of his thoughts.
The gynoid named Meka lithely walked to his position, still smiling.
“Good,” she said, planting a sudden kiss on his mouth. “Shall we go?”
“By all means.”
The mismatched couple strolled in the direction of the star cruiser, preparing for whatever awaited them . . .
****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************
The Gulf Beyond the Known Solar System
The Farnaby Sludge leisurely coursed toward the target unknown to even the main occupant. Since she felt the pangs of pride and power swell up within her womanly frame, a sense of regality also overtook her. It took a great deal of concentration to keep in focus but her will-power held out.
Gradually a source of inspiration coursed into her brain. It took the form of a reddish planet in a distant cluster, in another realm of the Universe. She knew already of the planet but in passing only, and she wasn’t certain whether it actually was an achievable goal. Arrogance overtook rational thought, and she had arrogance to spare.
She leisurely strolled to the control hub, sat in her chair, punched in the needed data into the computer’s primary memory banks, and awaited the results.
The display monitor’s output elated her to near-limitless delight.
“Right. Now let’s party.”
No response from her hitherto unseen crew, and this greatly displeased her to no end. Drawing in a deep breath, the young beauty barely maintained her calm as she repeated her command, which now contained a veiled threat.
“Listen mates, when I say let’s party I bloody mean LET’S PARTY! Is that bleedin’ clear?!”
After a few seconds, she finally got a reply.
“Okay, your Majesty. What’s first on our schedule?”
And the Polaris Queen smiled like never before. Life was good.
Or she she assumed . . .
New Pittsburgh
The Burroughsian Crater, in the Northern Polar Region
Planet Mars
Startime 14:20 Greater Martian Time
With the final preparations in sight, Doctor Pitt and Meka felt an anticipatory unease but tried their best not to allow poor judgment to result. It was easier for Meka to be more aloof in emotional matters, but for Doctor Pitt anxiety and adventure went hand-in-hand. After all, he was descended from a military and traveling family, and all his life he craved new experiences. Partially to fuel his need for learning but mostly he sensed that his life felt without purpose, and that he couldn’t or wouldn’t accept.
For her own part Meka realized that in spite of her synthetic origins, she truly felt that which men call humanity. True, her emotions were pre-programmed by the one who devised and created her (a secret she knew but kept to herself), but being with Doctor Pitt and tending to his needs gave her even more than humanity.
As Doctor Pitt readied the Chrona for the impending departure, Meka strode in front of him and bent down to his face. In one fluid motion she again kissed him warmly and passionately on his lips, taking the Doctor momentarily aback.
“Whoa, what was that for?” he asked.
“For you. Just for you.” She kissed him once more, then stroked her metallic fingers on his face as she smiled. For a brief millisecond the Doctor thought he saw tears well up in her eyes, but dismissed the idea.
“Shall we go, future Mrs. Rogan?” queried the Doctor playfully.
“Anytime, hubby dear. My beautiful husband.”
With one last kiss between the couple and the last preparation completed, the Chrona gradually lifted off the grounds of the hangar, and several minutes later reached the outer orbit of Mars.
“Right, this is it.”
The Chrona soon sped away from the safety of home and into the Unknown . . .
****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************
The Gulf Beyond the Known Solar System
The Farnaby Sludge continued her leisurely trek throughout space, readying for the main objective. Inside the pirate ship, the Polaris Queen paced around the command center, eyeing her army of android robots, all sporting the features of a youngish man with short blond hair, piercing glass-blue eyes, a stoic mouth, and detailed musculature. They were programmed to obey every whim given by their mercurial leader, never to question or rebel.
“Right, mates, here’s the score. And this is a doozy, so heed this carefully. All this time I’ve made plans to expand my influence all through this bleedin’ sector of space, right? One and another plan came and went, but this time, mates, I’ve got the perfect target for my conquest.” The Queen paused long enough for her army to absorb the new information, all the while feeling an increasing sense of girlish glee in her being. She even tried to stifle a laugh.
“Now, you’ve heard me mention a planted named Earth, right? Well, that place ain’t what it used to be. Some skirmish called the Myriad War took care of that, and all them blokes and lassies fled to that other place. Planet called Mars, I think it is. Anyway, them Earthlings did some terraforming and turned that red sandbox into a thriving place to live. “But I realized to myself one day that place needs a strong woman to rule. Not those ruddy goodies letting those people do as they want. Well, that’s going to be over! Strength is coming!” Another pause. “Get to it, mates!”
As one homogenous unit, the clone-droids assumed their positions. And the Polaris Queen poised to strike!
Beyond the Orbital Plane of Mars
Mars became a distant sight as the Chrona departed the red planet and its orbit. Inside the sleek craft, Doctor Pitt and Meka studied and gazed at the control panel, taking in every ounce of data displayed on the computer monitor. The Doctor furrowed his brow in deep concentration as if to eliminate any lingering doubts sure to plague him.
Beads of sweat formed on his forehead despite the ship being air conditioned and temperature controlled for great comfort, and his mouth soon felt dry. He summoned forth a lot of effort to maintain his calm, and this didn’t go unobserved by Meka. She went to the control panel and activated the signal to fetch the galley-droid, carrying forth refreshments. Meka also tended to his more inner needs.
“Are you okay, love? You seem a little out of it right now.”
Doctor Pitt shook his head to clear his mind.
“I don’t know. Something just gnawed in my psyche now and for the life of me, I can’t figure it out nor can I shake this feeling. And it’s definitely not the info from the computers.”
“I wonder what could be the root of that. Are you sure you want to continue this voyage? We could always go into space any time and besides, your health and well-being are important to me. Always believe that.” She gently kissed him on his cheek, then on his mouth, eyeing him as warmly as a gynoid could muster. “And always know how much I love you. Now and for eternity.”
Doctor Pitt nodded his head, sat still for five minutes, and nodded his head again. “No, let’s press on. No sense wasting this run on trivialities, right?”
“Anything to make you happy, love. Anything at all.’
“Right, let’s do this all the way.” With one burst of energy, the Chrona shot out into the deepest voids of Space and toward whatever was ahead . . .
****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************
The Gulf Between the Known Solar Systems
A growing elation permeated around the Farnaby Sludge, but this was only felt by the Polaris Queen; her android clone force didn’t have that luxury. She knew the acquisition of the power loomed closer to its realization, and it proved taxing on her will-power to keep whatever calm she had remaining.
Quickly she ran to the main control panel, now manned by her first android clone. “Could we get there any faster? Your Queen can’t wait.”
“Yes, Mistress,” said the clone monotonically.
“What’s the ETA?”
“With respect to your Majesty, rendezvous point will be at least two more stellar cycles. Or in Terran terms, forty-eight hours from now.”
That wasn’t satisfactory enough for her.
“Why not increase speed to TTF-7? That’d save one cycle.”
In silent response the clone programmed the coordinates into the main computer. “Trans-Thrust Factor for rendezvous point with Mars orbit calculated and confirmed. Risk factor negligible. Obstructions not detected. Jump-gate in scanne range may have potential for early arrival at rendezvous point.
“Awaiting final voice-identified instructions
The Polaris Queen cracked her knuckles, grinning broadly with glee.
Nothing was going to stand in her way now.
Beyond the Solar System, toward Alpha Centauri
Meka stared at the starboard window of the Chrona in contemplation, pondering any future events that eluded Mankind since time itself began. It wasn’t so much her own immediate future or that of her beloved Doctor Pitt she was concerned about, though that was a given.
Though she was merely a “robot” to most, Meka knew what it was to be truly “human” and she took great satisfaction, secured with herself. A void was being filled and Meka felt like her purpose in life came to fruition.
She shifted her metallic gaze to the young man helming the control panel. He, for his own part, never was offered the opportunity for growth or usefulness; being without immediate family added to his inner trauma. His parents endured a tumultuous relationship fraught with extreme tension that left the young man with deep psychological scars that might take several eternities to undo. Like Meka, the Doctor arrived at an epiphany.
A sense of wonder and desire for adventure kept him going, and with unexpected help from God, Pitt slowly reclaimed his life, his being.
Though he himself suffered in life, Doctor Pitt vowed on the graves of his parents, and in tribute to all who lost everything in the Myriad War, that no one else should share his pain. He took his personal oath of service not only from the Holy Bible but also from the stories and deeds of other heroes he followed, and would do his best to live up to that standard. Meka then waltzed back to Doctor Pitt, placed her hand on his shoulder, and smiled at him. So lost were they in their daydreams, they almost didn’t hear the shrill droning of the scanner.
“What the hell was THAT?!” screeched Pitt.
“Look at the control panel. Incoming scan, possibly another vessel, and from the new look of things it might be important.”
“Right,” he said with new calm. “Let’s see what’s going on.”
The pair activated the main communications unit and the information they saw sent their mouths agape.
“Well, this is going to be fun.” The Doctor paused to think.
“Open communication.”
****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************
The Gulf Between the Known Solar Systems, toward Alpha Centauri
Time seemed to freeze for the Farnaby Sludge even as she hurled through the jump-gate. So secure was the pilot in herself that she almost sang an old war dirge, though her inner logic dictated otherwise. Her android clones were indifferent to all things, and this further elated the Pirate Queen.
Soon a shrill noise from the control console echoed all around, causing the Queen to almost jump out of her skin. Quickly she shifted her steely gaze to the first clone. “You! Find out what that was! And report the info at once!”
Wordlessly the clone did as he was ordered, with nary a sound of immediate protest. Studying the scanner screen, he received signs which the Pirate Queen wouldn’t like. “Another vessel in our range, Majesty. Type unknown. Request orders of action.” The Queen ran to the console and smiled faintly.
“Right, mate. Open communication.”
“Communication signal already open, likely by other vessel.”
“Whatever. Open.”
In a millisecond, frequencies were hailed. A stern voice emanated from the other craft. “Attention unknown vessel, this is Doctor Pitt of TSV Chrona. You are entering the Terran Solar System, so please state your purpose for present voyage. I repeat, state your current purpose for your voyage. Failure to respond will be seen as an act of aggression, and I’ll have to take action. War is the last thing we need, so reply to communique immediately.”
“Whoopy-dingy-dongity-doo to you,” muttered the Pirate Queen dismissively. She signaled the console to halt the broadcast, turning to her main android. “Right. You know what to do.”
“Majesty?” asked the clone blankly. This greatly perturbed the Queen to no end. “Open and arm the bloody photon torpedo chambers, you chooch!” she hissed. Why did she have to think of everything?
Doctor Pitt sat uneasily at his control console, uncertain as to whether his words reached the occupant of the other star vessel just mere kilometers from the Chrona. He hadn’t expected to even find himself in contact with other craft, much less enter into potential combat, and his nerves grew brittle with each microsecond that lapsed.
“What’s that ship waiting for? What game are we playing?” he asked aloud.
“Your guess is as good as mine, honey, and that isn’t saying all that much.” “Still doesn’t make this any easier, does it?”
“You know that better than I.”
The Doctor shook his head in weary agreement, again lost in his deepest tumultuous thoughts. He formulized theory after theory, yet none seemed to satisfy him and the frustration ate at him relentlessly. All he and Meka knew was what proved obvious.
Trouble was in front of the couple, and they knew action on either end would spell disaster. And especially for the young Doctor, disaster was the last thing he needed. Drawing in a heavy sigh, he cleared his head and looked to Meka.
“Should I make another attempt at peaceful communication?”
“That’s up to you, love. Frankly, it’s a waste of time in my view but you’re in charge.”
“I don’t want to risk instigating a new war.” Doctor Pitt paused to think. “Okay, I’ll send another message to that ship. God knows what the response might entail, but we can’t wait.” “Before you do, love, would you mind if I raised our force-shields as a precautionary step?” Her concern was palpable, and Pitt quickly picked up on it.
“Not a bad idea. Do it.”
No sooner had Meka activated the shields that a shudder was felt all over the Chrona, a result of photon fire from the other vessel.
“I guess we finally got our reply.”
“Take evasive action. Get us as far as needed.”
The Chrona lurched backwards even as another burst of firepower followed the first and barely struck the ship. Within minutes a reasonably safe distance was achieved. “Open sub-space communication."
Meka did so with great efficiency and the screen displayed the face of their opponent. “Why this unprovoked action?” asked the Doctor commandingly.
The young woman’s darkly attractive face on the screen merely smiled acidly . . .
****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************
Sounds of a single laugh permeated all around the Farnaby Sludge, as the Pirate Queen felt the sensation of joy. What an absolute wuss, she thought. This was more fun than she dared anticipate, and now nothing seemed to stand in her way. The screen showed the dour face of her opponent, stoic and cold. Maybe in her eyes he harbored great fear and anxiety, or maybe he was ready to whimper and beg. She strode closer to the screen, her acid smile widening ear-to-ear.
“You want an answer to your pitiful question, big boy? It’s bloody simple. There’s a prize out there waiting, and I’m aiming to ruddy take it.”
“To whom am I addressing and what might that be?” asked the young man on the screen.
If possible, the Pirate Queen’s black-lipped grin broadened even further.
“You may address me as the Pirate Queen, you drongo! And I’m ramsackin’ your entire effin’ solar system, big boy,” replied the young woman snidely. “Let’s face it, mate, it needs— shall we say?— whole new management. And you types ain’t it, Doctor!”
To her shock, a cold smile and nodded radiated from Doctor Pitt.
“I wouldn’t put that to the test if I were you, young lady.”
A loud guffaw spewed out of the Pirate Queen as she turned to her android army.
“Get a load of this galah right here. Thinks he can fight me, right?”
Doctor Pitt’s image remained unfazed.
“One last warning, young lady. Break off this unprovoked attack and forget your insane plot. Otherwise, I won’t be held liable for any future actions on my part.” The video-image abruptly ceased transmission, and silence replaced the din of communication
For the first time, the Pirate Queen’s confidence wasn’t quite as bold as it previously had been.
With the communique ceased, Doctor Pitt leaned back in his command chair and with a deep breath, contemplated his next course of action. He wasn’t one to instigate conflict without cause or provocation, but he also knew the arrogant young woman needed to be stopped in her tracks, lest more innocent lives be lost. His vague memories of the Myriad War proved quite vivid, on top of all other deep matters of his being.
This burden didn’t go unobserved by his companion Meka. She knew him well and long enough, and had been with him loyally since their first meeting in his late father’s laboratory. To let him sink into melancholy and inaction was unacceptable, and Meka drew forth all the wisdom and understanding at her programmed disposal to aid her love.
“Something you want to tell me, or do I have to play twenty questions?”
“Just planning the next move in our unwanted chess match. Now, I wonder what or who planted this hare-brained scheme in her brain. Why would she want to take over our solar system? Not for gain, surely.”
“Not to be rude, love, but could we at least attempt to stop her here and now?” The Doctor took a few more seconds to summon a suitable reply.
“Yeah, why not? We can’t let her continue with this goofy plot.” He stretched his fingers, cracking his knuckles. “Activate the weapons battery. Phasers on half-blast, one phote after. And keep at it every five minutes.”
“Got it, love. It’s great to make a decision, isn't it?”
Doctor Pitt smiled broadly in total agreement . . .
Inside the Farnaby Sludge the Pirate Queen paced like a Tasmanian devil suffering from cabin fever, her nerves growing less steely with every microsecond that lapsed. The veiled threat from the man named Doctor Pitt apparently triggered some deep fear, or maybe a twinge of guilt, and that didn’t fit the reputation she so carefully cultivated these many years. Or maybe it wasn’t fear or guilt but loneliness.
True, she had her android clone army yet they weren’t true friends. Just playthings to use and misuse at her every whim, never fulfilling her needs.
Conquest, she rationalized to herself, was the way to go.
And she craved it!
****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************
A burst of phaser and phote power from the Chrona struck the aft hull of her opponent before her. The first phaser did minimal damage on the physical level yet for the crew inside, it proved too much.
Seething with barely-controlled rage, the Pirate Queen flew to the control panel and attempted another communique. The cool face of Doctor Pitt on the screen met her hard gaze.
“You’ve got the spunk in droves, big boy! But you won’t win! Your new Mami will see to that.”
“Well, I did warn you, young lady. And thank the Lord I wasn’t born to you,” smiled the Doctor coldly as he saw the android clones behind her. “Hi boys, how are you holding up?”
“Oh, they’re effin’ fine, thank you very ruddy much,” said the Pirate Queen sardonically. “You still won’t keep me from my prize, boy!”
“Boy? Little girl, I’m a lot older than I let on. Now break off the damn invasion attempt, or you’ll find yourself in further peril! Count on it.” The image flickered off and silence once more echoed in the Farnaby Sludge.
Back inside the Chrona the Doctor felt great satisfaction, probably for the first time in decades. He knew, however, the Pirate Queen showed extreme determination in her plot for conquest, and he made his resolve more clear.
“Well Meka, did we do a great job for now?”
“Overall you did fine but really, you shouldn’t have antagonized her the way you did. That’s only asking for more trouble than we might be ready to tackle.”
“I’m aware of that, honey, but she brought this onto herself with her mad scheme. I mean, history doesn’t seem to be her strongest suit.”
“Nevertheless, be careful in dealing with her attitude. She’s a strong one.”
The Doctor narrowed his eyes in cool calm.
“So am I.”
In the gulfs outside, the Pirate Queen secretly ordered her clones to send the Farnaby Sludge through a random jump-gate, on its way to the Known Solar System. Just before departing, the beautatious buccaneer transmitted a rather terse communique. “I’m off, big boy! Ain’t been fun as yet, but that’ll change!” And thus the Farnaby Sludge swiftly departed for the jump-gate.
“We’re going after her! Strap in, honey, it’s getting exciting for once!” stated Doctor Pitt, his voice brimming with strong confidence.
Meka did so but displayed great reluctance.
“I think we’re going to regret this,” she moaned.
Programming the Chrona’s navigation computer in urgency, the Doctor and Meka found themselves hurtling through the jump-gate, resolved to end things one way or another. Stars morphed into a kaleidoscopic blur of color and movement, and Time itself slowed to a leisurely crawl as the ship tracked down her pillaging foe. A bubbling of dread filled the Doctor’s stomach even as his mental faculties held firm, doubtless aided by his staunch friend and true love.
But this dread was only passing, and his shoulders felt the sensation of relief and serene calm, making the enterprise worth not just his while but that of Meka.
And for the first time since the sojourn began, a smile formed on the Doctor’s face...
******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************
Closer and closer did the Farnaby Sludge speed toward the perimeters of the Known Solar Systems, where her booty awaited the eyes of the Pirate Queen. Inside the ship, she stared out through the air-tight viewing shield with delicious eagerness, knowing in her blackened heart of hearts that victory neared. She chose not to dwell on her goody-goody opponent, the man calling himself Doctor Pitt. A real gobbo, he is, she rashly mused to herself.
So self-assured was she in her burgeoning grandeur that she initially failed to notice an alert signal echo around the interior.
And oh, how she hated to be interrupted!
“What’s the ruddy meaning of this?!” she boomed.
“Apologies, majesty, but our scanners detected another ship following us through the jump-gate,” replied the lead android clone.
“That sodden yobbo’s got guts, I’ll say that. Activate aft phasers, and do it quick!” The Pirate Queen then paused. “No, hold off, mate. Don’t fire straight away.” “Majesty?”
“You have glitches in your auditory input, mister?!”
“Your sudden contradictory order is admittedly illogical, majesty.”
“Ever hear of a girl being allowed to change her mind, chum? Just do what I effin’ tell you. Got that?!”
“Understood, majesty,” As the clone resumed station position, the Pirate Queen’s face hardened with anger laced with unease.
Following the Farnaby Sludge at a leisurely pace, Doctor Pitt stared intently at the computer monitor displaying the necessary data needed to aid his venture. A warm sense of nearing his goal permeated his inner psyche, and he grew self-assured with every parsec that lapsed during the Chrona’s voyage.
“You know, Meka, I think we ought to have some fun with our play-pal out there.”
Meka became nonplussed upon hearing this. “And uh, just what exactly are you cooking up?”
In wordless response the Doctor opted to fire off a quick burst of phasers and photes just above the hull of the Farnaby Sludge, taking care to not directly strike head on.
“I bet she won’t see that coming,” he said smugly.
“I wouldn’t get too cocky if I were you, love,” replied Meka, her face souring. “She’s more crafty than we can dare imagine. That makes her even more of a threat, so tread with soft steps.”
“I know how tricky she is but I trust you can guide me, right?”
“You better hope so, lover-boy.”
“Yeah, don’t I know it.”
As if ordered by divine forces, inside the jump-gate itself a low sub-space tremor gradually built up in strength, even as both the Chrona and the Farnaby Sludge warped toward their common destination. Neither the Pirate Queen nor the Doctor paid any heed to the burgeoning trouble looming beyond, so engrossed in their own combative bubbles were they. Soon the jump-gate, normally a smooth gateway between sectors of deepest space, narrowed into a wormhole, drawing both ships faster and faster to a destiny for which no one planned.
Inside the Chrona, the silence of contemplation was broken by the shriek of an incoming message from the enemy ship.
“Hey, what’s happening out there?! You responsible for this?” boomed the Pirate Queen. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You check your bloody scanners lately, big boy?!”
In reply, Doctor Pitt activated the ship’s external scanner and grew alarmed at what they detected, angry at himself for this lapse in judgment.
“I assure you I have no idea what’s going on here. It’s a random sub-space tremor that somehow turned into a powerful wormhole, and also I have absolutely no control over this whatsoever. If you want my objective advice, end your scheme and find a way out of this.”
“Listen, Mami don’t need your effin’ help, mate. Look out for yourself, chum.” The message abruptly ceased, leaving Doctor Pitt embarrassed.
“I could really kick myself for not paying closer attention to the scanners. Guess I was caught up in my own tunnel vision.”
Meka spun his chair and leaned down to eye his now-stony face.
“I know I should be upset but really, I’d have done just as you did. Maybe not as determined as you are, lover-boy, but it can’t be helped now.” A thought hit her analytic mind. “You think she’ll still continue with her goofy plot?”
A wry smile creased the Doctor’s face, brightening his eyes.
“Count on it, baby girl. Count on it.”
No sooner has his words been uttered than another tremor sent both ships lurching uncontrollably forward, as the wormhole drew them toward a new gate.
And where the new gate led to was anyone’s guess . . .
****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************
The Pirate Queen and her android entourage felt the pangs of raw uncertainty, and those very pangs didn’t sit all that well with the buxomy buccaneer. On the other hand, a new plan arose in her nimble mind and she already planned to cash in on it.
But she still had to deal with that persistent gnat, the man named Doctor Pitt. If she disposed of him, then everything would be right with the Universe.
A change in title also might aid her plans.
Swiftly she turned to face her robot entourage.
“Okay mates, I’ve got a little something to tell you. It’s time for a teeny name change.” “Do you not like the name of our vessel, Majesty? Doesn’t Farnaby Sludge appeal to you any longer?” asked the head android blandly.
“You know, mister, I swear you do this crap on purpose just to annoy me. No, I meant I’m getting a new name. And not for my bloody ship, either!”
“Majesty? How do you mean precisely?”
At once the Pirate Queen grabbed the android’s throat, shaking the head violently. “You ask me one more stupid question, and I’ll tear your diodes out through your effin’ bloody nose!” She stopped to catch her breath and collect her thoughts. “Since we’re headin’ towards whatever forsaken planet we end up on, I think I ought to rechristen myself. News communiques refer to me as the Pirate Queen, right? Well, I feel something more . . . glowing would work better.” She turned to the main console and activated the ship’s communicator, eyeing the image of Doctor Pitt.
“Hey! Got a small announcement for you.” “I know you’re not planning on surrendering yourself, am I correct?”
“Naturally I won’t surrender. Just want to tell you I’ve decided to give myself a new title. How does . . . Queen of Glass and Stars ring to your ears, big boy?”
“I don’t give a damn what you call yourself, I’m ordering you to end this scheme of yours. We’re still trapped in the wormhole on an unknown course, and we can’t afford to continue this battle. Have you checked the planetary formations with your scanners?” “Now why would I do that, cheeky-boy?”
“Just do it!”
Even as the newly-renamed Queen of Glass and Stars ended her transmission from her ship, back inside the Chrona Doctor Pitt opted to check his own scanners for any sign of planetary formation, any hospitable terrain to land.
“Meka, can you make out any of these readings? I’m not entirely familiar with them but we need at least one planet we can touch down on. Otherwise we’ll be crushed by the wormhole with each moment we hurtle through.”
“Let’s find out.”
In milliseconds the Doctor’s gallant vessel searched hither and yon for any favorable planet or star system needed to escape the grip of the wormhole.
“What are the scanners finding?” asked Doctor Pitt.
“Nothing conclusive as yet. It seems we’re moving too fast for the scans to accurately detect much of anything. Looks like we’ll have to just ride this one out.”
“Yeah. That’s what worries me. On the other hand, I’m wondering how our friends are faring.”
“Should we find out?”
Doctor Pitt flashed a wry, thin smile.
“Why not?”