By Daniel H. Ashkin
James Taylor was born in the city of Boston, MA in 1948. After he became three
years old, his family moved to the town of Chapel Hill in the NC mountains. James
Taylor’s dad worked as the Dean at North Carolina University. During his free time, he
played the guitar and the piano at home. After James left Milsons Academy, he
experimented in writing songs as a career.
When the Charlette Observer was interviewing James’s career in the year 2000,
he emphasized some very important points in writing a song. A quiet peaceful
environment plays a vital role in opening your mind about the lyrics. Trees, flowers,
walking on paths and observing wild flowers assist in writing lovely love songs.
When James’s father came from the South Pole, James’s father drank too much
at home. Because of an unstable family life, James Taylor began taking heroin and felt
depressed. Depression is a state of feeling worthless, hopeless, and emptiness about
yourself. It is cause by the lack of neurotransmitters and dopamine in the brain from
using drugs or from natural causes.
When James Taylor was in the group Flying Machine, he got high with heroin
with Susanne Scherr. She died from a heroin overdose. Because of this suicide, James
have lost a girl friend who cared deeply about his emotional feelings and concerns.
Have you ever lost a good friend from drugs and alcohol? In the year of 1992, I have
lost a good friend who drank too much alcohol and suffered a motorcycle accident in the state of Michigan.
After the tragic incident with the death of his girlfriend, James Taylor had
checked himself into Mclean Mental Hospital in MA for depression and drug addiction.
When he stayed in the hospital, he asked God for another chance to overcome drug
addiction. During his stay, he wrote “Fire and Rain which became number one hit. I am going to give you a few samples of the lyrics of the song. Life is a living nightmare with acute pain all over his body.
I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you again
Won't you look down upon me, Jesus?
You've got to help me make a stand
You've just got to see me through another day
My body's aching and my time is at hand
And I won't make it any other way
Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you again
You Can Close your Eyes is one of my favorite songs that James Taylor has
written in his life. The song’s message speaks about tranquility on last words a love
before a person dies. Before a love one dies, he or she want to want a family member
assure peace. When a close family is suffering in extreme pain before death, a close
family member can relieve their pain and comfort before the sun is goes down the
mountain. Healing comes from knowing that wife or husband will not face death alone.
The website comes from tranquility Funeral Services.
Well it won’t be long before another day
We’re gonna have a good time
And no one’s gonna take that time away
You can stay as long as you like
So close your eyes
You can close your eyes, it’s all right
I don’t know no love songs
And I can’t sing the blues anymore
But I can sing this song
And you can sing this song
When I’m gone
From Reading the Book by “The Twelve Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous”, by
Karen Elliot, the first step in recovery is to forgive yourself from mistakes. Forgiving
yourself enable addict to overcome the painful, stressful, experiences in life.
This comes from the website Wholehearted Men. It is a Christian website.
James Taylor wrote the song ”Shower the People in 1976. It is my favorite song. The
song emphasizes that it is very important that a person expresses how he or she feels toward each other’s in a friendship. When a person expresses how he or she feels about themselves, he or she will likely fill better about the world around them. Talking to your family will enable you to boost your self-esteem and self-confidence Before your best friends dies, please express these feelings and emotions as soon as possible the author explains in the article. It is absolutely essential to respect your family.
I am going to give the reader a short verse of this song.
Yes and show them the way that you feel
I know things are gonna be just fine if you only will
(What I like to do to you)
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
In this essay, I am going to analyze how his music career today. When the
Parade Magazine interview him, he said, “Drugs are a waste of time.”
Physical exercise plays a major role in overcoming an addiction problem. In addition,
you must learn how to overcome the physical and the emotional pain of dependence.
Disciplines is key in overcoming a drug problem. According to James Taylor, in order to become a decent parents, you must spend quality time with your sons and daughters. Two, you must become free from drugs and alcohol. When James Taylor was on drugs, he was too much consume with his own addiction problem.
Setting down in life plays a major role in accepting yourself. James Taylor
believes that people, “should married in in pairs.”
After you become an older adult, it is very important to take the place of a
grandparents. Society becomes a whole family.
Today, he is married to Kim Taylor who had previously played in the Boston
Orchestra. James want his music to bond us together in a community. After the 911
destruction of the World Trade Towel booming, he did a few benefit concerts for the
victims of the 911 victims.
In summary, getting of drugs and alcohol are the essential elements for a
successful family life for James Taylor career. Today, he is living with his wife Kim in
MA and performing periodically.