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My Positive Affirmations

by Maggie Jones

I know of ways that helped me to move on with my life, and those ways have made me feel calm and more positive about what happens in life when I am down and want to give up.

I keep going with positive affirmations to go forward in life.

There are so many positive affirmations for people with autism.

Here are a few of my favorites:

-I want to be myself.

-I love myself the way I am.

-Autism isn't bad, it is part of the human condition and I accept it too.

-I can do it like everyone else.

-I have god given potential.

-There's good people in the world that can help me.

I believe in myself and I can do anything I can achieve as much as anyone else can.

I just need extra time to process and I can achieve anything...and nothing is wrong with that at all.

Trust in the process of believing.


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